Buddy certainly want to have a web / blog with your own domain name certainly is not it? if there is a way why not buy guidelines and use your own domain name for the cms used. Previously we had discussed how their own custom domain, what my friend had read the earlier Custom Domains with Own Domain. Well, now we will discuss how to use Blogger Custom Domains. The trick is similar to the previous way, just be more in detail more detailed step by step.
Still patiently waiting and spirit to read right? if we still deh lanjutin, but if it is not excited, my friend had a Custom Domain bookmark aja pake blogspot.
Jump aja deh.
Of course my friend had bought the domain name, if it is bought live in to the cpanel provided by your domain.
Id Tech domain provider domainesia and cpanel:
Step 1
1. Log into Cpanel Domain, page loginya like:
2. After fill in your username and password, then enter into the process Manage Cpanel Domian, such as:
3. Then my friend will be presented / served in the Manege Domain, such as:
4. Well, now my friend has been completed in step 1, please follow step 2 below:Step 2
1. Once in a window or page manage domain as above, click the Domains tab>> List All Orders, such as:
2. Then my friend will be faced with the display domain names that have been my friend bought, such as:
3. To point to blogspot, of course pal must create a CNAME that leads to ghs.google.com, then click the link to that domain name and give it a name such as Active on the display:
4. After the switch, then select the tab and then click Manage DNS domain is a green button, as shown below:
5. After my friend click Manage DNS on the green button, it will appear as a popup window, not in close because we are going to make a CNAME in the popup, as shown:
6. On the popup, select the tab CNAME Records pal, it will open the Add CNAME Record button, as shown:
7. Well, now my friend click Add CNAME Record to create a CNAME will be redirected to blogspot,'ve clicked yet? if already then my friend will go to the window like:
8. In the picture above pal type the www in the Host name and typing in the box ghs.google.com Value (Type In A Fully ...)
9. Click Add Record the result as:
10. Finally, the CNAME settings in Cpanel Domain that we buy for the pake blogspot is complete, live setting in blogspotnya aja deh, now my friend go to Step 3 for setting its direction from blogspot domain to their own.
Step 3
1. It Was pal into the blogspot page mate? if it is select the Settings tab>> Publishing
2. There is no choice to direct a custom domain. At Switch to Custom Domain pal click yach,
3. After that my friend edit icon again on Already own a domain? Switch to advanced settings
4. At the prompt enter Your Domain buddy buddy with the domain name earlier, typing by providing http://www.namadomainsobat.com/, id tech example of using a domain name http://www.atmawana.org/ accordance with the domain listed above.
5. In the Word Verification pal fill capcha listed, then save.