Opera 10.50 Beta Want Overtaking Chrome

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Google's innovations in Chrome browser gush made a number of other developers misgivings. Not to mention the amount of Chrome users increasing since 2009 and launched at the end.

For the Norwegian browser developer, Chrome is a tight competition. Opera therefore working hard to overtake another browser Chrome and Apple Safari browser on the market.

Recently rumored 10:50 Opera launches Opera beta 2 for windows with the introduction of JavaScript engines. Recognized merka Opera has done limited testing on these browsers. For the current speed matters Opera was able to claim 10:50 Google Chrome overtaking.

Launch Opera has done approximately 100 changes in beta 2 version is 10:50. 10:50 Compared beta 1, this version comes with a number of new features that will allow users to surf the internet.

Competition in the browser market is still dominated by Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Apple Safari, Chrome, and Opera continue to try to seize the position under the top two browsers.


elsoulpc said...

opera mau memperbaiki posisinya ya......

Rizky2009 said...

kalau buat aq mozilla tetep numero uno sob

Renungkan Wahai Sahabat Ku

firefox ato flock lah..!

rumah blogger said...

waah sekarang overa versi baru lagi ya..

sabirinnet said...

thanx infonya mas, sukses ya

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