Mendaftarkan Blog Pada Google Adsense

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Seperti sebelumnya, kita telah belajar cara memulai adsense dengan blog gratisan, nah sekarang tiba saatnya kita mendaftarkan blog tersebut ke google Adsense. 
Bagaimana sih caranya?
Mendaftar Adsense  sangat mudah …  Jika Anda  sudah mempunyai website atau  blog  dalam  bahasa  Inggris,  maka  kunjungi  saja   halaman  ini  :,  maka  Anda  akan  dibawa  ke  halaman   pendaftaran  Google Adsense. Klik tombol Putih bertuliskan … “Click Here to Apply” Kemudian anda akan
dibawa ke halaman pendaftaran, isikan semua form yang ada, yang terpenting adalah form "full name" atau nama lengkap anda, ketikkan nama lengkap Anda sesuai dengan KTP, SIM atau yang lainnya, contohnya Ridwan Arifin, maka Anda saya akan mengetikkan pada form full name dengan nama Ridwan Arifin. 
Kenapa harus seperti itu?
Itu dikarenakan nantinya kita akan menggunakan KTP, SIM, atau yang lain untuk pencairan cek atau WU (Western Union) dan juga untuk pengiriman PIN aktivasi Account setelah mencapai diatas $10. 
Perlu diingat, Alamat pun harus sesuai dengan tempat tinggal anda yang tertera pada KTP, SIM atau yang lainnya, untuk mempermudah pengiriman cek atau PIN activasi.

Setelah  anda  isi  dan  submit  form  tersebut,  akan muncul  halaman  “Terms dan Conditions”  yang berisi "Peraturan  dan Persyaratan”  sebagai member  (Adsense Publisher). Klik  tombol  “I Agree”. Berikutnya  akan muncul  halaman  ucapan  terima kasih dari Google sekaligus meminta Anda melakukan verifikasi melalui email, untuk memastikan  bahwa  alamat  email  yang  Anda  cantumkan  adalah  valid,  berfungsi  dengan baik dan benar milik Anda. 
Masuk ke email anda, dan lihat email dari google, Klik  URL  berwarna  biru  yang  terdapat  pada  surat  tersebut,  setelah  itu Google  akan  memproses  permohonan  Anda  dengan  mengecek  apakah  situs  yang Anda  ajukan  sudah  sesuai  dengan  persyaratan.  Tentu  Anda  perlu  tahu  lebih  dulu Persyaratan  yang diberikan agar permohonan Anda bisa disetujui. mendownload di Bila permohonan Anda disetujui Anda akan mendapat surat sebagai berikut :


Your Google AdSense application has been approved. You can now activate
your account and get started with AdSense in minutes.

To quickly set up your account, follow the steps below. Or, for a detailed
walkthrough of everything you need to know as a new AdSense publisher,
visit Newbie Central:

STEP 1: Sign in to your account.

Visit and sign in using the email
address and password that you submitted with your application. If you've
forgotten your password, visit for

STEP 2: Generate and implement the AdSense code.

Click on the 'AdSense Setup' tab, then follow the guided steps to
customize your code. When you've reached the final step, copy the code
from the 'Your AdSense code' box and paste it into the HTML source of your
site. If you don't have access to edit the HTML source of your pages,
contact your webmaster or hosting company.

Not sure how to add the code to the HTML source of your page? Our Code
Implementation Guide can walk you through the process -- find the tutorial

Once the code is implemented, Google ads and/or search boxes will
typically begin appearing within minutes. However, if Google hasn't yet
crawled your site to determine its content, you may not notice relevant
ads for up to 48 hours.

Step 3: See the results.

After you've started running AdSense, you can see your earnings at any
time by visiting the Reports tab in your account. To learn more about what
to expect from your earnings, visit

For a quick overview of your reports and the 5 steps to getting paid, view
our Payments Guide:

Have more questions? Find answers in the following resources:

- The AdSense Help Center, containing demos, guides, and answers to common
questions: .

- The AdSense Help Forum, an online community of publishers: .

- The AdSense Blog, with all the latest news and tips about AdSense: .


* Want to test your ads? Please don't click on them - clicking on your own
ads is against the AdSense program policies

* You can add the AdSense code to a new page or site at any time. There's
no need to inform us or update your account when you do. Just please make
sure that you only display code on pages that comply with our program

Welcome to Google AdSense. We look forward to helping you unleash the full
potential of your website.


The Google AdSense Team

Sebaliknya  bila  permohonan  Anda  tidak  disetujui,  Google  akan meminta  Anda  mengajukan  situs  yang  lainnya  dengan menyebutkan  alasan  tidak disetujuinya permohonan Anda (Misalnya  “Your Site  is not  in Supported  Language” dimana situs Anda  tidak dalam bahasa yang didukung ol eh Google). Bila situs atau Blog Anda dibuat  dalam bahasa  Inggris  dan  memenuhi  syarat  yang  kami  tuliskan,  maka Google pasti menerimanya. Seperti:

Hello Ridwan Arifin,

Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after
reviewing your application, we're unable to accept you into Google
AdSense at this time.

We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.


- Unsupported language
- Difficult site navigation


Further detail:

Unsupported Language: We've found that the majority of your site's
content is in a language we do not currently support. Right now, we're
only able to offer language support and ad targeting for the languages
listed here: .
If you manage or own another site in one of our supported languages,
feel free to resubmit your application as described below.

While we look forward to supporting your language, we don't yet have a
date as to when AdSense will be available for you. If you'd like to
stay up-to-date with the languages we support, please feel free to
check back with us at the above link.

Please also be aware that if your website language is in an AdSense for
Search only supported language (Indonesian or Vietnamese), you must
submit a new application using a different email address, at . In the "Website Language"
menu, please select the correct primary language of your site. This
will assist us in our review of your application.

Difficult site navigation: During our review of your website, we found
your site difficult to navigate. Potential navigation issues include:
redirects, pages behind a login/restricted access, broken links,
excessive pop-ups, dialers, website pages under construction or not yet


For a complete list of AdSense criteria, please visit:

To update and resubmit your application, please visit and sign in using the email
address and password you submitted with your application. Our
specialists will review your account for compliance with our program
policies, so please make sure to resolve all of the issues listed above
before resubmitting.

Please contact us at if you have any


The Google AdSense Team

Nah, pesan apakah yang Anda dapatkan? apakah yang pertama atau kah yang kedua. Diterima atau ditolak? 
Namun jika surat kedua yang anda dapatkan, tidak udah berkecil hati, kesempatan Anda masih ada untuk mencoba. Laen waktu dikesempatan yang sama, tech id akan memberikan tips bagaimana mendapatkan account google selain dengan menggunakan web atau blog namun menggunakan  jasa uplode file atau dokumen milik kita.


Andre said...

kalo adsense bisa mobile juga gak yah ky admod ato mobgold gitu?

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